In light of the recent incidents that have occurred at three residence halls on campus, the University of Maryland Police Department is providing additional safety information to our residents.
Our officers have increased their patrols in the area and are engaging with our residents about the importance of securing your residence, personal property, and other safety tips. We are asking for the help of all our residents in this matter of safety and security.
- Keep your room door locked, when you’re asleep, down the hall, in the shower, or visiting others in your building.
- Make sure doors close and latch behind you. If you are at a resident hall and noticed that a door is not securing properly, please contact 301-314-9675. For all other buildings contact 301-405-3555.
- Don’t prop doors open. Propping doors puts the security of every person at risk.
- If you see a person who you believe does not belong or something seems out of place, report it to the Department of Resident Life or Police immediately.
- Report suspicious activity to the Department of Resident Life or Police immediately.
- Students should be cognizant of tailgaters who attempt to gain access into a building, dorm, or facility by walking in with the person who rightfully enters. All persons that are allowed access to a dorm are issued swipe access cards or keys allowing them entry. This includes faculty, staff, workers, and temporary workers. All will have their own means of making entry and should not feel offended if questioned by students.
- See Something, Say Something!
- Be Smart, Be Safe!
Our detectives are actively working and investigating these incidents. Individuals with any information regarding these incidents, or the possible identity of the suspect(s), are encouraged to contact detectives at 301-405-1796. You may also email any information to .
When available for release, additional information, including updated description of the suspect(s), may be obtained by accessing the "UMD Safety Notice" portion of our web site: and .
Safety Resources:
Emergency Number 301-405-3333 OR 9-1-1
UMD Police Walking Escort/Non-Emergency: 301-405-3555
NITE Ride 301-314-6483
Help Center (Peer Counseling & Crisis Intervention) 301-314-4357
Counseling Center 301-314-7651
CARE (Confidential Services for Sexual Assault/Harassment/Rape) 301-741-3442
Health Center 301-314-8180