Since April 2nd, 2014, we have had three reported incidents of where a female was inside a women’s bathroom and notice a handheld portable electronic device that had capabilities of either recoding video and/or taking a photo. One incident occurred at LaPlata Hall and one at Centreville Hall. In both incidents, a female was inside the women’s bathroom, taking a shower when a handheld portable electronic device was seen peering under and over the shower stall. In the LaPlata Hall incident, the student reports that a picture was taken by a cell phone that was seen peering underneath the shower stall. The suspect left the bathroom. In the Centreville Hall incident on April 4th, the student reports a handheld portable electronic device that has a lens on it, peering over top of the shower stall. Unknown if the device was recording or taking a photo. The victim then yelled and heard doors opening. The student checked the hall but didn’t see anyone.
Another incident occurred inside the women’s bathroom at Biology-Psychology building on April 2nd , where a female went into the bathroom stall and notice a cell phone on the floor with the lens portion of the phone pointing towards her direction. In this incident, the female questions the individual in the stall next to hers to which the individual grabbed the cell phone and left.
A description of the suspect from the Biology-Psychology incident can be found at . It is unknown at this time if these incidents are related and unknown if the person responsible for these incidents is a student or not. But our detectives are actively investigating these incidents by reviewing our SOC cameras and encouraging anyone with information to contact police at 301-405-3555 or you may email information at Those who wish to remain anonymous can send in their information at
Our patrol officers have increased their patrols inside academic buildings and the residence buildings. UMPD is also working with Resident Life by talking with our student residents on what they can do to help.
If you remember seeing anything on April 2nd, 2014, around 8:47 p.m., inside LaPlata Hall and/or on April 4th, 2014, between 6:20 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. inside of Centreville Hall of a person who might have tailgated in or a person who was wandering around aimlessly inside the buildings to please call police at 301-405-3555, or email at, or anonymously at .Even if you think that the information you have might be insignificant, it could make a difference and help our detectives with the investigation.
When available for release, additional information, may be obtained by accessing the "UMD Safety Notice" portion of our web site: and
As our Criminal Investigations Until continues to investigate these incidents, we ask that you continue to practice and instill into your daily routine the safety tips listed below.
Safety Tips:
Keep your room door locked, when you’re asleep, down the hall, in the shower, or visiting others in your building.
Make sure doors close and latch behind you. If you are at a resident hall and noticed that a door is not securing properly, please contact 301-314-9675. For all other buildings contact 301-405-3555.
Students should be cognizant of tailgaters who attempt to gain access into a building, dorm, or facility by walking in with the person who rightfully enters. All persons that are allowed access to a dorm are issued swipe access cards or keys allowing them entry. This includes faculty, staff, workers, and temporary workers. All will have their own means of making entry and should not feel offended if questioned by students.
If you feel comfortable approaching an individual who is seen on your floor unaccompanied and feel comfortable questioning them as to why they are there, make sure to report the incident to the Service Desk or an RA or call police immediately. If you don't feel comfortable approaching an individual who is seen on your floor alone, immediately notify your Service Desk or an RA or call police.
If you observe suspicious activity or observe a person behaving in a suspicious manner, contact the police immediately by calling #3333 from a mobile phone or 301-405-3333.
Beware of your surroundings. Stay alert and attuned to people and circumstances around you.
Be Smart, Be Safe!
See Something, Say Something!
Safety Resources:
Emergency Number 301-405-3333 OR 9-1-1
UMD Police Walking Escort/Non-Emergency:
NITE Ride 301-314-6483
Help Center (Peer Counseling & Crisis Intervention)
Counseling Center 301-314-7651
CARE(Confidential Services for Sexual Assault/Harassment/Rape) 301-741-3442
Health Center 301-314-8180