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UMPD Makes Arrest in 02/12/2014 Incidents at Ellicott Hall

College Park, MD - On February 12th, 2014, the University of Maryland Police Department received phone calls from several members of the Ellicott Community for a suspicious male inside Ellicott Hall, who reportedly unlawfully entered resident rooms. Officers were alerted by a student, who pointed out the male exiting the building. Officers attempted to stop the male, who then fled on foot, but was quickly apprehended by officers. A witness was able to confirm that the male was the person that had unlawfully entered their room.


Sentayehu Negussie (pictured above), 33 year old male, of Rockville, Maryland, was arrested and charged with burglary, theft, and trespassing in two of the five reported burglaries. Sentayehu Negussie, has no University of Maryland affiliation.

It is not known at this time if Sentayehu Negussie was involved in the incidents that were reported to police earlier. The University of Maryland Police Department, Criminal Investigations Unit is currently following-up with reported cases to determine if the arrestee was involved with those incidents.

The quick reporting of suspicious behavior by UMD residents resulted in the apprehension of the suspect. Thank you for your help. Please continue to keep your doors locked, be aware of your surroundings, and continue to be proactive in the matter of safety and security. Listed below is safety information and resources:

Safety Information:

Keep your room door locked, when you’re asleep, down the hall, in the shower, or visiting others in your building.

  • Make sure doors close and latch behind you. If you are at a resident hall and noticed that a door is not securing properly, please contact 301-314-9675. For all other buildings contact 301-405-3555.
  • Don’t prop doors open. Propping doors puts the security of every person at risk.
  • If you see a person who you believe does not belong or something seems out of place, report it to the Department of Resident Life or Police immediately.
  • Report suspicious activity to the Department of Resident Life or Police immediately.
  • Students should be cognizant of tailgaters who attempt to gain access into a building, dorm, or facility by walking in with the person who rightfully enters.  All persons that are allowed access to a dorm are issued swipe access cards or keys allowing them entry.  This includes faculty, staff, workers, and temporary workers.  All will have their own means of making entry and should not feel offended if questioned by students.
  • See Something, Say Something!
  • Be Smart, Be Safe!

Safety Resources:

Emergency Number 301-405-3333 OR 9-1-1

UMD Police Walking Escort/Non-Emergency: 301-405-3555

NITE Ride 301-314-6483

Help Center (Peer Counseling & Crisis Intervention) 301-314-4357

Counseling Center 301-314-7651

CARE (Confidential Services for Sexual Assault/Harassment/Rape) 301-741-3442

Health Center 301-314-8180


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