INCIDENT: Multiple Motor Scooter Thefts
OCCURRED: Between October11 and November 18, 2019
LOCATION: Parking Lot 11B near the Field Hockey and Lacrosse Complex
UMPD CASES #: 2019-59890, 2019-60722, 2019-65056, 2019-67742, and 2019-67759
The purpose of this UMD safety notice is to make you aware of multiple motor scooter thefts that have occurred from parking lot 11B.
Between October 11 and November 18, UMPD received five reports of motor scooter thefts. All five thefts occurred from parking lot 11b. Three of the five motor scooters were not locked. A video review of the cameras in the area was submitted in each of these cases.
We are also seeking the community’s help in identifying the suspect in three of the motor scooter theft cases. For photos of the suspect and additional details, click here.
The University of Maryland Police Department, Criminal Investigations Unit is investigating these incidents.
Individuals with any information regarding these incidents are encouraged to contact police at 301-405-3555. Individuals wishing to remain anonymous may email .
When available for release, additional information, may be obtained by accessing the "UMD Safety Notice" portion of our web site: and
Safety Tips:
As a reminder, for anyone that parks a motor scooter on campus to take the necessary precautions in properly securing your motor scooter. Invest in a durable lock, such as a u-type of lock or a disc brake lock and/or a grip lock.
Do not use a cable or a chain to secure your motor scooter as those are easily defeatable.
If you haven’t done so, make sure to register your motor scooter with DOTS.
Stay alert and attuned to people and circumstances around you.
Trust your instincts. They are a natural gift that tells you when something is wrong.
If you observe suspicious activity or behavior, contact the police immediately by calling #3333 from a mobile phone or 301-405-3333.
See Something, Say Something!
Be Smart, Be Safe!
Safety Resources:
University of Maryland Police Department
Emergency Number 301-405-3333/ #3333 from a mobile phone/ 911
Prince George's County Police Department
911 from mobile phone / 301-352-1200 (non-emergency) / 911
UMD Police Walking Escort
Non-Emergency: 301-405-3555
Help Center (Peer Counseling & Crisis Intervention)
Counseling Center
Campus Advocates Respond and Educate to Stop Violence (CARE)
Health Center
Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct (OCRSM)
UMD Alerts
Sent by email via UMD Alerts to UMD Students/Faculty/Staff