Tomorrow is a B1G day for the University of Maryland as the football season officially kicks-off against James Madison University at Byrd Stadium at 3:30 p.m. Months and months of planning and preparation went into making Maryland's first year in the B1G Ten a successful one. In order to make that happen, we partnered up with the Athletic Department to come up with a solution on how to provide game day information (traffic/incidents) for fans traveling to the University who are attending the game and the community as well. Thanks to our text messaging system, Nixle, we are able to make this happen by sending out a text message.
In order to receive these game day texts about traffic and information, text TERPSGAMEDAY from your cell phone to 888777 and receive instant updates. This information will also be posted on our Twitter page, @UMPD. Anyone can sign up to receive these text messages and you can opt-out at any time.
We are anticipating bigger crowds at the University of Maryland and with bigger crowds expect more traffic. Plan ahead and give yourself plenty of travel time, be patience as at times roadways will be congested, and register your cell phone to receive updates about game day traffic info. And to make your game day experience an enjoyable one, the Department of Transportation Services (DOTS) is offering advance on-line purchasing of game day parking passes by visiting And for your complete A to Z game day guide, visit
And reminder to motorist and pedestrians coming onto campus for the first time since last football season, Campus Drive between the “M” circle and Union Lane is restricted to a one lane roadway due to construction of the Edward St. John Learning and Teaching Center. Public safety personnel will be on scene directing traffic during incoming and outgoing of game day traffic. Pedestrians always cross at designated marked crosswalks and not in the roadway.
Be Smart, Be Safe and Go Terps!