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Administrative Hearing Board Scheduled

Administrative Hearing Board

The University of Maryland Police Department (UMPD) conducts an Administrative Hearing Board at the request of the police officer who disputes the outcome of an Internal Affairs Investigation. Police officers receive some form of corrective action if an Internal Affairs investigation results in a finding that a police officer has engaged in misconduct by intentionally violating the law, any University of Maryland Police Department policy, or University policy.

Internal investigations into allegations of police officer misconduct that could lead to disciplinary action, demotion or dismissal must be conducted in accordance with State law and the LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS’ BILL OF RIGHTS (LEOBR), Sections 3-101 through 3-112 of the PUBLIC SAFETY, ANNOTATED CODE OFMARYLAND. The LEOBR only applies to sworn agency personnel. Internal discipline is separate from punishment that the police officer may face as a result of criminal charges.

In accordance with Annotated Code of Maryland, Public Safety Article, Section 3-107 (e)(1)(ii), “the hearing shall be open to the public, unless the Chief finds a hearing must be closed for good cause, including to protect a confidential informant, an undercover officer, or a child witness.”

Internal Affairs number, date, time, and location will be posted on this page a week out before the scheduled hearing board.


Administrative Hearing Board Schedule

Internal Affairs           Date                            Time                            Location


2017-IA-002               July 26, 2017              9 a.m. – 5 p.m.           UMPD Training & Academy         


                                                                                    7147 51st Ave.,

              College Park, MD


If you plan to attend a hearing board, please return to this page after 5 p.m. the day before the scheduled hearing board to confirm that it is still scheduled. A hearing board will be canceled if the matter is resolved before the scheduled hearing.

Individuals attending an Administrative Hearing Board must act in a respectful manner. Audio and video recordings are not permitted during an Administrative Hearing Board.


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